Search for sensitive content

Verantwortungsbewusste Unternehmen ziehen eine Vielzahl von Kontrolleinrichtungen und Richtlinien heran um Daten sicher und ungefährdet zu halten. Jene Kontrolmechanismen werden umso mehr von zentraler Wichtigkeit soferne die betroffenen Daten vertrauliche Informationen enthalten, welche sich von Unternehmensweiten Daten wie Kreditkarten-Nummern, Sozialversicherungsnummern oder anderen Kundeninformationen erstrecken bis hin zu firmeneigenen Informationen we etwa Patenten oder vertraulichen Dokumenten. Der Schutz jener sensitiven Daten ist wichtig, denn er ermöglicht es Unternehmen den Anforderungen der Industrie, des Staates oder anderen Regulatorien nachzukommen.

Office 365 bietet bereits diese notwendigen Möglichkeiten für E-Mail mit Data Loss Prevention (DLP) in Exchange, Outlook und OWA zusammen mit einer Reihe integrierter sensitiver Informationstypen, welche für die Suche genutzt werden können. Microsoft geht nun erste Schritte hinsichtlich der Data Loss Prevention in SharePoint und OneDrive und dabei erlaubt die Nutzung der gleichen sensitiven Informationstypen Dokumente und Sites über ihr gesamtes Unternehemn hinweg.

Die neuen Fähigkeiten biehten Ihnen:
– Suchen Sie nach vertraulichen auf SharePoint Online und OneDrive for Business
– Nutzen Sie 51 vorgefertigte vertrauliche Informationstypen (Kreditkarten, Passdaten, Sozialversicherungsnummern und weitere)
– Identifizierne Sie problematische Dokumente, exportieren Sie einen Report und nehmen Sie entsprechende Anpassungen vor.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter folgendem Link:

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I’m not seeing any sensitive content for eDiscovery queries. What can I do to change this?

A. Documents need to be scanned before they will show up in query results. Our scan process is built into the SharePoint Online Search crawler, so as you upload or edit documents, they will be scanned or rescanned if a version of the document already exists. This article provides a comprehensive outline of content discovery and search in SharePoint. Many of the topics in the article may be of interest to you, but sections about crawls and managing the search schema may be of particular use for this topic.

Q. Why do my DLP queries have no results in Exchange?

A. We are prioritizing bringing the ability to perform DLP queries on data in SharePoint Online first, based on customer feedback, and will be considering Exchange for future updates.

Q. What are the different files types that can be detected with this capability?

A. You can find a list of the file types that we support in SharePoint here.

Q. Will this scan the OneDrive for Business documents as well?

A. Yes, the eDiscovery Center will get search results from Site Collections and any OneDrive where you have granted it access. This is covered in more depth in our documentation.

Q. Are these features available for on-premises SharePoint releases?

A. While today we are bringing this capability to our SharePoint Online customers, based on customer feedback we will be considering this capability for future SharePoint on-premises releases as well.

Q. What are the future plans for DLP in SharePoint?

A. DLP in SharePoint is an ongoing investment and with this new capability we are laying the stepping stone for more improvements. Later this year we will introduce additional capabilities that go beyond simply discovering and reviewing sensitive content. These new capabilities will allow you to create policies that automatically detect sensitive content and apply protection based on your organization’s needs.

Q. I would like to participate in the early adopters plan for DLP in SharePoint, especially for the features coming up later this year. What can I do to participate?

A. The best way to try the new features in Office 365 is via the Office 365 First Release program. If you would like to get access earlier, please work with your account team to get an even earlier preview and provide your valuable feedback!

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