Unter dem Titel „Modern Produktivity – Office news at Ignite“ erklärt Julia White all die neuen Fähigkeiten und Möglichkeiten die Office 365 erhalten wird und wie diese dazu beitragen die Plattform neu zu erfinden.
„For Office, our focus is on reinventing productivity for people and organizations. All of the new and coming Office capabilities we showed today at Ignite extend from our belief that productivity is at the heart of business success. But, how we work, where we work, with whom we work is changing rapidly and the technology must enable this modern workplace. Successful organizations have moved from static hierarchies of people and the way communication flows between them, to dynamic networks of open sharing; from individual productivity to collective value co-creation; from work being where you go to being what you do. And, for organizations, it is also about attracting and retaining the best, new talent. Today, workplace technology is a critical factor as the Millennial generation become the majority of the workforce.“ – Julia White, Microsoft.